Drama 10/30

 In Drama

Good morning!

This week in Drama, we did our monologue performances. You all did such a great job! Keep up the hard work.

Auditions for our spring musical Annie will be Saturday, December 4th. 7th-12th grades, please sign up for one time slot only (9:00-12:00 or 1:00-4:00). Whether you are a beginner to the stage, or a seasoned performer, it’s going to be an amazing experience! Come join us. Please let me know if you have any additional questions. Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Sign up for an audition here: https://yqysjrrxph.formstack.com/forms/annie_auditions?fbclid=IwAR1jS1gACKGBmhrf13vmq9_MLFB09JPmfpXtSSk_Rp3F-YyI6r08INAxYBM


Jorie McQuaid