Drama 8/9

 In Drama

Good morning everyone,

Last week, we learned how to create a warm up routine and discussed observation and how it can be a fantastic tool in the world of theatre. We did an exercise where each student brought in an item that brought back a specific memory to them and then presented it to the class. These items were all something that each student could visualize and describe without even looking at it. Observing people, places and things help us to learn about the world around us, and make us better performers. Once we can begin to observe the little things, we can then take that and create more realistic characters.

This week, we will be learning about pantomime and improvisation.

If you are interested, I am holding auditions for our fall play Pride and Prejudice August 17th & 19th (you only need to attend one audition). We especially need boys to sign up! 🙂

Sign up to audition here: https://yqysjrrxph.formstack.com/forms/fall_play_pride_prejudice

Apply for a tech crew position here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeyS80X5Vr1_KtpSILduE96OgSce-AgjNt_qCeBeE0jIm5z-Q/viewform


Jorie McQuaid

San Tan Charter School | Performing Arts

jmcquaid@santancs.com | 480.222.0811